Get to Know the CEO!

By Andrea Britten, Client Relationship Manager  

MDT strives to provide consistent, top-tier service, allowing us to form a deeper connection with every client.

We build relationships to anticipate needs, proactively recommend solutions, and expand our knowledge of each credit union’s strategy for personalized and enhanced support. Throughout our journey building relationships, we meet unique and driven individuals, learning about their experiences and goals both inside and outside of the work environment.

With the demanding role of CEO, it’s interesting to hear how they unwind after a long day and invest in hobbies they enjoy. To “get to know the CEO,” we’re sharing a glimpse into what we’ve learned about one of our MDT CEOs and their interests outside of the credit union world.

As the client relationship manager for Grasslands Credit Union, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Emily Guldborg, CEO. Emily invests time outside of work creating jewelry and painting a vivid image of the northern prairie life in Montana through story and photography.

“I have always felt a need to create. From the time I was young, I watched both of my grandmothers passionately produce embroidery pieces and quilts, often with no end recipient in mind. They created for the sake of creating.  As I grew older, I discovered why. It is a way to calm the mind and soothe the soul, to surround yourself with beauty and to find the satisfaction of being a maker. I am constantly looking for ways to play with colors and light and ideas– from weaving dainty little beads in a rainbow of colors, to capturing the perfect image of life on the northern prairie, or writing words that might inspire others to appreciate our often-overlooked landscape – there is rarely a day that goes by where I am not making something in the early hours of the day, before I put on the credit union hat.

I developed a personal website many years ago at, and though it can go months without me updating it, I love having it as a creative outlet and a way to give others a glimpse of what life is like in rural America. It allows me to share with them how fortunate I feel to call this place home.” – Emily Guldborg, CEO

Emily’s talents are evident through her creations, and I encourage you to check out her website above.

Please reach out to your CRM if you have a CEO recommendation to highlight in an upcoming newsletter.

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