At MDT, we are committed to fostering a supportive and enriching environment for women in leadership. In 2022, the Women in Leadership Community (WLC) was established, and our bi-monthly meetups have been a cornerstone of this community, providing a platform for discussion, networking and professional growth. To ensure these gatherings continue to meet the needs and expectations of our community, we recently surveyed our members for feedback. Here’s what they had to say.

Most respondents are happy with the frequency, confirming that the six-week interval strikes a good balance between regular engagement and time to apply new ideas. The content also received high marks for relevance, with many noting that the topics directly address the challenges and opportunities they face in their leadership roles.

Networking is a standout feature with many respondents sharing that the connections made through these gatherings have led to meaningful professional relationships and collaborations. This highlights the importance of continuing to facilitate and possibly expand networking opportunities.

Feedback on personal and professional growth was particularly encouraging. Members reported that the meetups significantly contribute to their development, offering not just practical advice but also inspiration and confidence in their daily work. This aligns with our mission of empowering women and building a supportive leadership network.

The results also highlighted areas for improvement. Some respondents suggested varying the format of the meetups to include more interactive sessions and workshops. Others expressed a desire for more diverse speakers and topics, covering a broader spectrum of leadership styles and teachings. Some of this is already in motion for our July meetup!

Overall, the insights from this survey have been invaluable, giving us ideas to evolve our meetups into an even more vibrant and supportive community for women in leadership.


So, how might your organization use this feedback to better support women in leadership?